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Boeing B737-Max 8

boeing b737-8 max ABOUT THIS AIRCRAFT – BOEING B737-MAX 8
Boeing 737 MAX, a new family of twin-engine airliners developed by Boeing, is based on the world’s best-selling aircraft Next-Generation 737. Based on Boeing 737 NG, the best-selling aircraft of all time, Boeing 737 MAX is a twin-engine airliner that brings together impressive performance parameters and comfortable flying experience. Taking one step further in operating of trans-Atlantic flights the 737 MAX family comprises 4 models aimed at lowering per-seat costs with an emphasis on environmentally friendly air travel.
The 737 MAX aircraft family includes the 737 MAX 7, 737 MAX 8, 737 MAX 9, 737 MAX 10 and 737 MAX 200 variants. The new range of aircraft is intended to deliver improved fuel efficiency for the customers in the single-aisle segment. The super-efficient design of 737 MAX incorporates new winglet technology, delivering a fuel-burn advantage. The fuselage is strengthened to accommodate new engines. The expanded tail cone and the thickened segment over the flight control surfaces improve steadiness of airflow and avoid the vortex generators on the tail. The modifications further reduce the drag and improve the fuel-efficiency of the airliners. The aircraft delivers an 8% a seat advantage compared to other aircraft in the single-aisle segment.

Aircraft type
Narrow Body Airliners

162 to 178

Cruise speed
839 KM/H / 521 MPH

6510 KM / 4045 Miles

Luggage space

Enclosed lavatory

Entertainment centre

Flight attendant

Pressurised cabin